Past Scholarships & Awardees
2024 Award Recipients

Back row: Stephanie Haynes (SOU Grant-in-Aid), Anora Villella (VoTech), Jane Johnson (VoTech), Abigal Wileman(VoTech), Simone Starbird (Vicki Smith), Juniper Christopherson (Vicki Smith), Elise Anway (Vicki Smith)
Front row: Carolina Moreno (SOU Athletic), Jennifer Hatala (Live Your Dream), Isabela Hernadez (VoTech), Vanessa Houck (Woman of Distinction)
2023 Award Recipients

Mia Day, Sarah Amesbury, Trinity Supelana-Mix, Catherine (Cat) Prescott, Megan Pickett, Madison (Madi) Gray, Kelly Arana-Sandoval, Abigail Lambert, Tara Vivrett, Sofia Rodriguez, Alexa DeLaCruz, Yvonne
2022 Award Recipients
Front row: Saosinuth Beasley (live Your Dream), Malaika Quigley (SOU Athletic Award, Soccer), Haylee Brodahl (SOU Athletic Award, XC/Track), and Annalise Gutrich (Vicki Smith Memorial).
Back row: Katie Vroman (Volleyball), Megan Monaghan (Live Your Dream), Jillian Mahon (Live Your Dream), Nayeli Esqueda Alvarado (SOU Grant-in-Aid), Bernice Petit (SOU Grant-in-Aid), and Estefani Reyes Elias (Vicki Smith Memorial).
Not present, Kaia O'Neil (Vicki Smith Memorial).
Photo: Janie Burcart

2017 Award Recipients
Left to right: Sarah Shepard – Live Your Dream, Brittany Travis – VoTech, Caitlyn Abshire – GIA, Brenna Culbert – Live Your Dream, Elizabeth Sukles – AHS, Delany Meads – AHS, Nelle Strong – VoTech, Jenni Rosenberg – Women Helping Women; Not present: Davalin Ontiveros - Athletic

2016 Award Recipients
SOU Women’s Athletic Award: Kylie Moltzen $1,500, Vicki Smith Memorial Ashland High School Scholarship: Sarah Lasoff $1,500, Zoey Petrone $1,500, Vocational Technical Award: Makayla Bellis, Ashland High School $500, Monserrad Ramirez. Phoenix High School $500. SOU Grant-in-Aid: Dusti Campbell $2,000, Bethany Dawson $1,000. Live Your Dream Award: Aubrey Fitzgerald $2,000, Paige Johnson $1,000. Women Helping Women Award: Agnes Emma Baker Pilgrim $500

2015 Award Recipients
Back Row: Amy Waters (SOU Grant-in-Aid), Kailee Scott-Unger (Vicki Smith Memorial) and Marina Harnell (Live your Dream Award). Front Row: Lilana Wurfl (Vicki Smith Memorial), Teresa Lehman (Vocational Technical Award), Alexa Gonzalez (SOU Women’s Athletic Award) and Sydney White (SOU Women’s Athletic Award)

2013 Award Recipients
Back Row: Sabrina Podsobinkski: (SOU Grant In Aid), Claire Huggins (Ashland HS: Vocational Technical Award), Sara Ratto: (WOA), Sharifa Johka: (OSF), Erin Keoppen: (Vicki Smith Memorial), Christine Darland: (WOA) - Front Row: Alyssa Bricker: (SOU Women’s Athletic Award), Theannah Hannon: (Vicki Smith Memorial), Sarah Cotton Honeywell: Violet Richardson Award - Not in attendance: Sharon Rich – SOU Fellowship Award, Walder Reeder – Ruby Award

2012 Award Recipients
BACK ROW: Lauren Frazier (Vocational technical Award), Maureen Page (Vicki Smith memorial), Alex Kielsing (Vicki Smith memorial), Tatsiana Asheichyk (SOU Grant-in-Aid), Christa Tapp (Violet Richardson Award), Pam Roessler (SOU FellowshipAward), Malinda Wood (Ruby Award), Sharifa Johka (FAIR Experience Manager - OSF)
FRONT ROW: Tenaya Kenner (Tracie Tedaldi Scholarship), Stephanie Carr (SOU Women's athletic Award), Tawyna Ayala-Baker (Women's Opportunity Award), Jackie Farrell (Women's Opportunity Award), Sherry Nurre (SOU Grant-in-Aid),

2011 Award Recipients
Back Row: Hannah Sayles (Vicki Smith Memorial), Maile Raymond (Violet Richardson), Cherise Brittany Cottier (SOU Grant-in-Aid), Kelly Clark (SOU Athletic Award, Track); Renee Yomtob (SOU Athletic Award, Volleyball); Randall Lum (OSF FAIR Experience Manager)
Front Row: Athena Storm (SOU Grant-in-Aid), Kysa McSky (Vicki Smith Memorial), Katie Moy (SOU Athletic Award, softball), Kasey Baker (Violet Richardson), Jessica Kuehlwein (SOU Athletic Award, soccer), Susan Moen (Ruby Award), Linda Edholm (Women's Opportunity Award)

2010 Award Recipients
from left to right: Liz Kiger - SOU Athlete (Tennis), Katie Moy - SOU Athlete (Softball), Dr. Deltra Ferguson - Ruby Award, Nica Pap - WOA, Jessica Plascencia - Vo-Tech, Jessica Kuehlwein - SOU Athlete (Soccer), Leah Bergstrom - SOU Athlete (Volleyball), Emily Hand - Vicki SmithMemorial AHS Scholarship, Kelly Clark - SOU Athlete (Track), Maraya Best - Violet Richardson Award, with Kimiko Shimodo, OSF FAIR in the foreground

Kimberly Thompson with daughter Anissa joined us after visiting the emergency room for a playground mishap. Kimberly is our WOA winner, with an additional $5,000 award from Soroptimist NWR.
2007 Award Recipients

OSF Marketing Director, Mallory Pierce